For my assignment I did the constellation Cassiopeia. Before I tell you about this specific constellation, I would like to tell you a little bit about stars. Every night you look up at the night sky and see deep, dark space with only stars and a moon. That space may look empty to you but, it is not. It is filled with clouds of gas and dust that are forming to become a new star. A nebula(round cloud of gas and dust mostly hydrogen)forms and gravity pushes all of the atoms closer and closer together until they finally join causing nuclear fusion to begin. Nuclear fusion produces humongous amounts of energy. It uses some of that energy to shine. A STAR IS BORN!!!

Cassiopeia is constellation. A constellation is a group of stars that represent something on Earth. Cassiopeia was the name of a Queen. Cassiopeia is married to Cepheus, the Ethopian king of Joppa and gave birth to Adromeda. In Greek mythology Cassiopeia has to stay forever in her chair. She circles the pole with her head held down as punishment. Cassiopeia was punished by Nereides(Sea Nymphs). She told the Nereiedes that she was prettier than all of them.

Here are some facts about Cassiopeia:
1.Cassiopeia has also been known as the Celestial “W” and the Celestial “M”.
2.They say Cassiopeia was chained to her throne and placed in the sky to circle the North Star.
3.At times she is hanging upside down in the most undignified positions as a warning to all.
4.The Romans call her “The Woman of the Chair”.
5.The Arabs call her the “Lady in the Chair”.