Scorpius is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Antares, the star
that marks the heart of the scorpion, is the 15th brightest star in the
sky. If we were to travel to Antares and see it, we would see that it
is around 500 times the size of our sun and 10,00 times brighter!!!! It
is so big that it could fill the orbit of Mars. Antares rivals Mars for
brightness. M7, and open cluster in the scorpions tail, is one of
the finest clusters in the sky. The stars in the cluster form an x shape
in the stars central region. If you were to see the whole constellation
of scorpius, you would have to be roughly in a line joining Boston, Buffalo,
and Milwaukee! M4, another globular cluster, is one of the closest clusters
to us. M4 is right aobe the star, Antares. M4 is only 7,000 light-years
away from us. The scorpions claws are made up of a double
star called Beta Scorpi or Graffias. The closest stars is 530 light-years
away, half the distance of the further one. The brightest x-ray source
called Scorpius X-1, near Beta Scorpi, is thought to be a neutron star.
Myths tell us that hunter , Orion, tried to ravish the god, Artemis, and
she or her brother sent a scorpion to kill Orion. Another version tells
us that Orion claimed he could kill anything, so the goddess, Gaea, sent
the scorpion to kill him. Around 5,000 years, scorpius was twice the size
it is today.