The constellation Draco represents a dragon ,Lodan slain by the hero Hercules. it’s head lies under the foot of Hercules and it’s body lies between Ursa minor and major , more commonly known as The big and little dippers. Cephus a constellation representing a mythological king joins Draco and Ursa minor. A group of 4 stars including draco’s brightest star, gamma Draconis more commonly known as Etamin, make up its most distinctive feature, its head.

In greek mythology the wife of Zeus, Hera owned a golden apple tree which grew on the slopes of mount Atlas. but after the attenders of the tree proved untrustworthy Ladon was brought to replace them. Myth writers believed ladon was the offspring of a monster called Typhoon and a creature called Echida who was half woman half serpent.

After Hera gave hercules the task of killing ladon with his poisoned arrows she placed his image in the sky.