Orion is one of the brightest groups of stars in the entire galaxy. It can be seen from all different locations on Earth, so it is very popular. It has some of the largest stars ever,two of which are Reigel and Beltegouse. It also has a nebula within it called the Orion Nebula. The Irion Nebula is the closest nebula to Earth that we know of, even though the stars wit the nebula wont be forming for years to come. The Beltegouse star of Orions Belt happens to be a red Giant Star that varies in brightness ifrom time to time. Beltegouse is one of the closer stars to Earth and can be seen very well through a large telescope. The bluish tint of Reigel lets us know that it is one of the hot stars in our galaxy. Astronemers have learned that blue stars are the hottest, reds are the coolest, while yellow and white are in the middle in terms of temperature. Due to its large size,Reigel may have a very short life span because the larger stars use up their feul faster. Reigel is approxamatley five times larger than our Sun (which is a medium sized star), and shines more brightly than our Sun. There are many different myths and lagends as to how Orion the Hunter died. One legernd claims that Artemis fell in love with Orion, Making her twin brother Apollo jealous. Apollo sent Orion out to sea and challenged Artemis to hit the tiny speckin the ocean. Artemis obviously hit the speck and killed Orion. When she discovered what had happened, she sent him eternally to the sky as a constellation. Another story has Orion bragging that he can kill any wild animal that set foot on the Earth. Appollo again objected, and sent a deadly giant scorpion out to kill him. Another story combiines the two, claiming that Orion fled into the ocean so that he wouldnt get killed by Appollos scorpion. Then Appollo saw what Orion had done and challenged his sister again.I do not know which story to believe, but I do know that this is an extremley beautiful star formation that is loved by all. |